toilet seat risers in the bathroom

Arthritis Discomfort? Learn How Toilet Seat Risers Can Help

Nearly half of people with osteoarthritis report experiencing a fall each year. Learn how toilet seat risers can reduce fall risk and increase safety at home.
safe step stools for reducing fall risk
Fall Risks

Storage Tips & Safe Step Stools to Reduce Fall Risk

Learn our top storage tips and what to know before purchasing a safe step stool. 
adaptive equipment for arthritis

Adaptive Equipment For Arthritis: Utilizing The Google Nest

How adaptive equipment for arthritis can include smart technology such as a Google Nest.
adjustable bed benefits

Seven Ways Adjustable Beds Can Improve Independence

How switching to an adjustable bed can improve safety, independence and reduce the risk of falling. 
stairlifts at home for parkinsons

At Home With Parkinson's: How Stairlifts Reduce The Risk of Falls

Living with a chronic condition such as Parkinson's can have a dramatic impact on one's mobility, learn how stairlifts can help. 
floor safety and non-slip rugs
Fall Risks

Floor Safety: How Non-Slip Rugs Reduce Fall Risk

Learn how non-slip rugs reduce fall risk and easy ways to improve floor safety throughout the entire home.